This report shares findings from digital ecosystem assessments that were conducted mid-2022 in two case study countries; Kenya, and Zambia (Sub-Saharan Africa). The study was commissioned by the Netherlands Food Partnership on behalf of the Smallholder Farmers Digital Ecosystems Coalition4 , and had the specific objective to explore if and how digital services and platforms are currently used by and impacting smallholder farmers in Low- and Middle-income countries, based on data from the two case countries. In doing so, the study aimed to answer the question; ‘What are concrete short and longer-term interventions in smallholder digital ecosystems that could foster the scaling and sustainability of digital platforms?’
Research Detail
Digital ecosystems for smallholder farmers in low- and middle-income countries:A rapid assessment of digital agriculture ecosystems in Zambia and Kenya
Published by: The Netherlands Food Partnership
Authored by: McCampbell, M. | Migisha, C.
Publication Date: Dec 1st, 2022