Multiple pathways towards achieving a living income for different types of smallholder tree-crop commodity farmers

Many sources indicate that smallholder tree-crop commodity farmers are poor, but there is a paucity of data on how many of them are poor and the depth of poverty. The living income concept establishes the net annual income required for a household in a place to aford a decent standard of living. Based on datasets on smallholder cocoa and tea farmers in Ghana, Ivory Coast and Kenya and literature, we conclude that a large proportion of such farmers do not have the potential to earn a living income based on their current situation.
Research Detail
Multiple pathways towards achieving a living income for different types of smallholder tree-crop commodity farmers
Published by: Springer
Authored by: Waarts, Y.; Janssen, V.; Aryeetey, R.; Onduru, D.; Heriyanto, D.; Tin Aprillya, S.; N’Guessan, A.; Courbois, L.; Bakker, D.; Ingram, V.J.
Publication Date: Jan 1st, 2021