Are farmers’ climate change adaptation strategies understated? Evidence from two communities in northern Ethiopian highlands

Published by: Elsevier

Authored by: Adamseged, M. E. ; Kebede, S. W.

Publication Date: April 14, 2023

Research and policy analyses of climate change adaptation in Africa are often centre to examine adjustments in agricultural operations. This mainly bases on a misconception that rural households merely depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. This research aimed at positioning livelihood (farm and non-farm activities) as the centre of climate adaptation strategies to better understand rural households’ adaptation strategic options and capacities, using two rural communities in the Northern highlands of Ethiopia.

The result showed that rural households have broader options both in farm and non-farm strategies for combating adverse climate condition than previously reported. 


Research Detail
Are farmers’ climate change adaptation strategies understated? Evidence from two communities in northern Ethiopian highlands
Published by: Elsevier
Authored by: Adamseged, M. E. ; Kebede, S. W.
Journal Name: Climate Services
Publication Date: Apr 14th, 2023